
Coreless Motors - Glockenanker Motoren - Koolborstelloze Motoren

Fleischmann N Upgrade kits

Instructions -> www.youtube.com/@micromotor

NF001G V100, BR211, BR212

Flm 7215, 7228, 7229, 7230, 7231

Replaces motor 507230

With brass worms (not on picture)



NF002G V160 BR210 BR218

Replaced by NF032C

NF003G NS1600 SNCF BB 1500, 1600, 22200, 7200

Flm 7360, 7361, 7362, 7363, 7364

Replaces motor 507360, 507364

With brass worms (not on picture)

NF004 Schienereinigungslok, Werkslok

Flm 7218, 7968, 7969

Replaces motor 507218, 507968

NF005G BR 614 Triebwagenzug

Flm 7430, 7431, 7434, 7438

With brass worm (not on picture)

Replaces motor 507430

NF006G BR38 Wannentender, BR50 Wannentender, BR 78, SNCF 232

Flm 7075, 7076, 7077, 7078, 7079, 7162, 7166, 7179, 7183

With brass worm (not on picture)

Replaces motor 507078

NF007 BR50 Kabinentender

Flm 2063, 2363, 7175, 7177, 7178 GEAR-RITZEL-TANDWIEL

Replaces motor 507175

NF008G Lok 7 

Flm 7000

With brass worm (not on picture)

Replaces motor 507160

NF009G BR 38 K, DRG 01.10, P8, BR 23,  BR 011, BR 012 

Flm 7123, 7126, 7159-7161, 7163, 7164, 7167-7174, 7160003, 7170003

With brass worms (not on picture)

Replaces motor 507160, 5071601, 50712303

NF010 NS Wadloper , Pendolino, BR 628

Flm 7415, 7427, 7428, 7471

Replaces motor 507428, 507415

NF011C V110 DR, DR 110-112, 114, DB 203-204, RRF/BAM 20, Spitzke Marieke, Volker Rail, Railion 204, SBB 203

Flm 7210, 7211, 9313, 9314, 9318, 5170001, 5170005, 7360006, 7360018, 7370006, 7370018

Replaces motor 507210, 144227

NF012C V60, BR 346, BR 105, BR 106, BR 260, BR 360, BR 363, BLS Em 845

Flm 7220 01-7220 15,7220 81-7220 90, 7225 01-7225 07, 7811, 9312, 9313, 7360003, 7360013, 7360015, 7370003, 7370013, 7370015

Replaces motor 507220, 50722009, 507225


Flm 7440, 7450, 7452, 7490, 9380, 2009 01

Replaces motor 507440, 507452


Flm 7460, 7760, 931182, 931183, 931187, 7760006, 7770006

Replaces motor 507460

NF015C BR 65

Flm 7065, 706501, 706502, 706581, 706582, 67065, 89365, 7160004, 7170004

Replaces motor 507065

NF016G BR 132, SJ Du 2

Flm 7368, 7369

NOT for 736801

Replaces motor 507306

NF017G BR 110, 111, 140

Flm 7332-7335 (Bis 2010), 7347-7349

Replaces motor 507334

NF018C BR 141, E 41, RE 4/4, RE 420, SJ Rc 2, Rc 4, OBB 1043

Flm 7325-7329, 7339-7344, 7365-7367, 7560019, 7570019

Replaces motor 507327, 507340

NF019C SBB Re 460, BLS Re 465

Flm 731299, 731301-731319, 731369-731378, 731381, 731401-731404, 731471-731404, 731501, 731471, 781603, 781673, 7560012, 7560013, 7560053, 7570012, 7570013, 7570053

Replaces motor 50731302

NF020C DB BR 103

Flm 7375-7378

Replaces motor 507375, 507377

NF021C BR 86 (DB DR DRG ), ÖBB Rh 86

Flm 7086-7087, 7811, 9310, 9371, 9386

Replaces motor 507086

NF022G BR 80 (DB DR DRG), BR 81, RAG D727, BR 91.3 (DB, DR, SNCB, ÖBB, SNCF, WLE, DSB),  T 9.3 (KPEV KWStE)

Flm 7025-7027, 7030-7031, 7033, 7035, 7036, 7811-7812, 7812, 7822, 7828, 7882, 7892, 7898, 9300, 9326, 9332, 9361, 9372, 91 0750, 5160002

Replaces motor 507030

NF023G BR 94 (DB DR DRG), ÖBB 694, KPEV T16.1, FS 897

Flm 7091-7095, 7810, 7823, 7881, 7886, 7893

Replaces motor 507094

NF024G BR 55 (DB DR DRG), KPEV G 8.1, PKP Tp 4, FS GR 460

Flm 7152-7155, 7809, 7813, 7821, 7891, 9310

Replaces motor 507155, 50715581

NF025G BR 53.3 DRG , KPEV G4

Flm 7124, 7812, 7883, 7902, 9303, 9390-9393, 9395, 9397

Replaces motor 507124

NF026G BR 98 (DB DRG), K.Bay.Sts.B. GtL 4/4

Flm 7098-7099, 7819, 7889

Replaces motor 507098

NF027G BR 64 (DB DR DRG BBÖ), ÖBB Rh 64

Flm 7061-7064, 2019 12, 2019 17, 2009 25, 9397

Replaces motor 507061, 507063, 145988

NF028C Vectron, BR 193 (DB SBB PKP CD Lokomotion) BLS Re 475, OBB 1293

Flm 7393

Replaces motor 507393

NF029C ÖBB 1010, SBB Ae 6/6, DB DRB E94, DR DRG BR 194, ÖBB MWB Rh 1020

Flm 7372-7373, 7394-7395, 7560004, 7560005, 7570004, 7570005

Replaces motor 507372, 507394

NF030C BR 245, BR 101, BR 145, BR 146, BR 185, SBB Re 481 Re 482, BLS Re 485, CFL BR 4000

Flm 7245 XX (BUT NOT 7245 04 / 7245 74), 7320, 7323-7324, 7355, 7385-7387, 7560003, 7560032, 7570003, 7570032

Replaces motor 507356

NF031C BR 120

Flm 7350-7351, 7353

Replaces motor 507350, 507353

NF032C V 160 BR 210 BR 218

One upgrade kit for the old version without the flywheel, with the small flywheel and the large flywheel

Flm 7232-7240, 7242, 7360011, 7370011

Replaces motor 507232, 507235, 507236, 507239, 144320

NF033C BR 62 

Flm 7052-7054

Replaces motor 507052

NF034 S DB BR 24, DR BR 37

Flm 7141-7143, 7160006, 7170006

Replaces motor 507142

NF035C BR 101, BR 145
Model without DCC interface / Modelle ohne Schnittstelle

Flm 7320 (up to 2005), 7322, 7355 (up to 2009)

Replaces motor 507355

NF036 VT 12.5, BR 612

Flm 7412 01, 7412 02

Replaces motor 507412

NF037C VT 12.5, BR 612VT 95, BR 795, Renfe 591, AMFT 551

Flm 7400, 7400xx, 7402, 7402xx, 87400, 87402, 857400, 867400

Replaces motor 507400, 5074001

NF038G ET 91, BR 491, Gläserne Zug

Flm 7410, 7411, 741101-741102, 741181, 7808

Replaces motor 507410

NF039G BR 39, K.P.E.V. P 10

Flm 7135, 7137-7139, 7165, 7812, 7824, 7827, 7894, 7897, 7912

Replaces motor 507139

NF040G BR 56, K.P.E.V. G8.2

Flm 7156-7158, 7812 10, 7812 90, 7884, 7900, 7160009, 7170009

Replaces motor 507156

NF041C BR 52 DB / DRG, SNCB 26, SNCF 150 Y, ÖBB 52

Flm 7152 xx

Replaces motor 507152

NF042C V 200.1, BR 221, EBW V 270, RENFE D 340

Flm 7250-7251, 2009 05, 9317 81, 9318 81, 9318 94, 7360007, 7370007

Replaces motor 507250, 50725006

NF043C DB BR 182, ÖBB 1016/1116/1216, HKX ES 64 U2, MAV 470, GySEV 1047.5, CFI BR 190, Fuori Muro BR 190

Flm 7311 11, 7311 12, 7311 15, 7311 16, 7311 19, 7311 22, 7311 24-7311 30, 7311 72, 7311 77, 7311 78, 7311 82, 7311 85-7311 90, 7311 94-7311 99, 7312 07, 7312 09, 7312 11-7312 14, 7312 16-7312 18, 7312 26, 7312 74, 7312 77, 7312 79, 7312 83-7312 85, 7312 87, 7312 96, 7312 97, 7314 05, 7314 06, 7314 75, 7314 76, 7813 03, 7813 04, 7813 73, 7813 74, 7814 05, 7814 75, 7817 02, 7817 03, 7817 05, 7817 72, 7817 73, 7817 75, 7818 03, 7818 04, 7818 73, 7818 74, 7560016, 7560024, 7560026, 7560029, 7570016, 7570024, 7570026, 75730029

Replaces motor 50731212 (Flm Motor with cardan couplers)

NF044C DB BR 182, BR 183, BR 190, ÖBB 1016/1116/1216, HKX ES 64 U2, MAV 470, GySEV 1047.5

Flm 7311 01-7311 06, 7311 08-7311 10, 7311 71, 7311 73, 7311 74, 7311 79, 7312 01-7312 03, 7312 06, 7312 71, 7312 72, 7312 76, 7812 08, 7812 78

Replaces motor 50731201 (China motor with cardan couplers)

NF045C BR 128

Flm 7312, 96 7312

Replaces motor 507312 (motor with worm gears)

NF046G BR 43, BR 44, SNCF 150 X

Flm 7144 xx, 7160007, 7170007

Replaces motor 50714401, 132718

NF047 Vectron, BR 193, BLS Re 475, OBB Rh 1293, BR 118, V 180
(Models from 2020 !)

Flm 7214 01, 7214 03-7214 04, 7214 71, 7214 73-7214 74, 7392 77-7392 79, 7392 81-7392 85, 7392 90, 7392 91, 7393 08, 7393 09, 7393 12, 7393 15, 7393 18-7393 19, 7393 47-7393 49, 7393 51-7393 55, 7393 60, 7393 61, 7393 78, 7393 89, 7393 92, 7393 95, 7393 98- 7393 99, 9318 91, 7360005, 7370005, 7560010, 7560020, 7560027-7560028, 7560055-7560057, 7570010, 7570020, 7570027-7570028, 7570055-7570057

Replaces motor 144448

NF048C BR 515, BR 150 ETA

Flm 7401 00, 7401 03, 7401 70, 7401 73

Replaces motor 145520

NF049C E 10.12, E 10.2, E 10.3, BR 110, BR 110.1, BR 110.3, BR 111, BR 112, BR 115, BR 139, BR 140

Flm 7325 01, 7330 XX, 7331, 7331 XX, 7335 01, 7335 02, 7336 XX, 6 7336, 7337, 7337 XX, 7338 XX, 7346, 7346 XX,  6 7346, 7811 05, 7811 09, 7811 85, 7813 01, 7813 02, 7813 81, 7813 82, 7816 04, 2009 04, 9318 95, 5170002, 7560033, 7560051, 7570033, 7570051

Replaces motor 50733002, 507346

NF050C DB BR 147, DB BR 147.5, DB LTE Railpool BR 187, Swiss Rail Traffic Re 487

Flm 7388 11, 7388 81, 7389 XX, 9318 88, 7360010, 7370010, 7560008, 7560017, 7560018, 7570008, 7570017, 7570018

Replaces motor 50738901

NF051C BR 151

Flm 7380, 7380 XX, 6 7380, 7381, 7382, 6 7382, 7383, 6 7383, 7560021, 7560023, 7570021, 7570023

Replaces motor 507380, 507382, 5073821

NF052C BR 50 DB/DR/ÖBB/NS, SNCF 150, SNCB Reeks 25, PKP Ty5, CSD 926, CFR 150

Flm 7175, 7177, 7178, 7180 XX, 7181, 7182 XX, 7184 XX, 7186 XX, 8 7182, 84 7182, 84 7186, 84 1969, 2009 06, 9311 01, 9311 81, 9371, 5170004

Replaces motor 507175, 507181, 507182

NF053G E 32, SJ Järnväg Museumsbahn Du 2

Flm 7368 01, 7370, 7370 01, 2009 03

Replaces motor 507370

NF054G Zahnradlok, Wendelsteiner Kieswerk Lok

Flm 7305, 7305 01, 7305 81, 7306, 7307, 7811 04, 7812 03, 7812 83

Replaces motor 507306

NF055G E 69, BR 169

Flm 7371 01, 7371 02, 7371 04, 7371 05, 7371 06, 7371 71, 7371 72, 7371 84, 7371 85, 7371 86, 7817 01

Replaces motor 50737101

NF056C BR 223, BR 253, ER20, DE2000, Re 450, Re 456, Rh 2016

Flm 7260, 7260 01, 7260 02, 7260 03, 7260 04, 7260 05, 7260 06, 7260 07, 7260 08, 7260 09, 7260 12, 7260 13, 7260 15, 7260 19, 85 7260, 86 7260, 87 7260, 87 7261 A, 7753, 7753 01, 7753 02, 7753 04, 7819 01, 7819 02, 7819 71, 9310 84, 7360012, 7360017, 7360019, 7370012, 7370017, 7370019

Replaces motor 507260

NF057G DB BR 98.8, K.Bay.Sts.B. GtL 4/4

Flm 709904, 709905, 7160012

Replaces motor 50709904

NF058C DB NS 1600, NS Rail Force One 1800, SNCF BB 7200, BB 22347, BB 26000, Sybic, BB 507310

Flm 7321 00, 7321 01, 7321 02, 7321 03, 7321 05, 7321 06,7321 35, 7321 36, 7321 37, 7321 70, 7321 71, 7321 72, 7321 73, 7321 75, 7321 76,7322 05, 7322 06, 7322 07, 7322 40, 7322 41, 7323 10, 7323 11

Replaces motor 50732100

NF059C ÖBB Rh 1044, Rh 1144

Flm 7366 02, 7366 03, 7366 04, 7366 06, 7366 07, 7366 08, 7366 10, 7366 72, 7366 73, 7366 74, 7366 76, 7366 77, 7366 78, 7366 80, 7560009, 7560025, 7570009, 7570025

Replaces motor 50736604

NF060F BR 642, Desiro, DSB MQ, ÖBB Rh 5022

Flm 7420, 7420 01-7420 98, 7 7420, 85 7420, 86 7420, 7422, 7422 01-7422 06, 7422 71-7422 77, 86 7422

Replaces motor 507420, 50742007, 50742010

NF061C BR 120, BR 220, M 62, T 679

(Flm 7252XX, 7360009, 7370009 )

Replaces motor 50725201

NF062C BR 146.2, BR 146.5, BR 185.2, SJ Re

Flm 738801-738803, 738805-738807, 738809, 738871-738873, 738875-738877, 738879

Replaces motor 507388

NF063G BR 288, V 188, D 311

Flm 725100, 725101, 725103, 725170, 725171, 725173

Replaces motor 50725100

NF064C BR 112, BR 112.1, BR 114, BR 143, BR 212, BR 243

Flm 734501-734508, 734571, 734573-734575, 734577-734578, 7560007, 7560015, 7570007, 7570015

Replaces motor 50734501

NF065C E19, BR 119

Flm 7319, 731901-731905, 7914, 877914, 931105, 7560030

Replaces motor 507319

Fleischmann Model not included!