
Coreless Motors - Glockenanker Motoren - Koolborstelloze Motoren

Arnold N Upgrade kits

Instructions -> www.youtube.com/@micromotor

NA001 Arnold Thalys-TGV (Ex Lima)

Arnold 4321 Lima 163923 and others

NA002 Arnold Kittel DRG/DB CidT, SNCF XDR10

Replaces motor 2923-020

Arnold 2923,2924,2925

NA003 Arnold NS Motorpost

Replaces motor 2335-020

Arnold 0245, 2335, 2336, 2337

NA004G Arnold NS 1300, SNCF CC 7000, DB E03, BR 220.1, FP 9, Re 4/4 (old model)

Replaces motor 0236-008, 0236-009, 0241-008, 0774

Arnold 0202, 0211, 0211C, 0213, 0215, 0217, 0236 - 0238, 0241, 2332, 2338, 2342, 2344, 2350-2353, 5001-5008

NA005G Arnold E10 E40 (old)

Replaces motor 0205-006

Arnold 0232-0234


NA006G Arnold V65 BR 265

Replaces motor 2015-030

Arnold 2015-2018, 2030, 2042, 5702, 0151

NA007 Arnold DHG700C 

Replaces motor 2080-020, HN2079/03

Arnold 0287, 0297, 0341, 0366, 2080-2082, 2103-2107, HN1004-1005, HN2078-2079

NA008C Arnold V45 , SNCF Y 9200, SNCF Y 51115, SNCF Y 7530, BR D 2895

Replaces motor 2055-004

Arnold 0204, 0229, 2034, 2055-2057, 2059-2061

NA009C Arnold DB DR DRG BR 78, SNCF 232 TC, KPEV T 18

Replaces motor 2270-003

Arnold 0116, 0122, 2244, 2267-2274

NA010G Arnold Köf II, DB Köf III, DB BR 323, DB/Zürcher/Bentheimer BR 332, DB BR 335 ÖBB 0150, X130, X150, FS 213, SNCF YDE, SOB Tm 34, GKB 150

Replaces motor 2065-030

Arnold 0119, 0135, 0154, 0157, 0175, 0254, 0265, 0278, 0380, 0400, 0422, 0601-0602, 2033, 2043-2049, 2057, 2062-2072, 2083-2084, 2086, 2088, 2090-2099, 2110-2115, 2117, 2119-2123, HN2002, HN2029, HN2035, HN2115, HN2144

NA011 Arnold BR 240 DE 1024, DR DRG BR 96, K.Bay.Sts.B. Gt 2 x 4/4, DB BR 150*, DB DRG BR 116 E16, DB DRG ET 88, DB BR 420, US loco S2

Replaces motor 2035-020, 2275-015, 2355-015, 2450-012, 2930-004, 0294-020, 5020-020

Arnold 0294, 2035-2038, 2256-2257, 2264-2265, 2275-2278, 2282, 2289, 2355-2357*, 2437, 2441, 2443, 2449-2450, 2457, 2930, 2935, 2940-2945, 2950, 5019-5031, 5034-5037, 5060-5076

* Spring drive only

NA012G Arnold BR 18, BR 01 Motor in the loco, K.Bay.Sts.B. S 3/6, SNCF 231, US 4-6-2

Replaces motor 0253-020

Arnold 0221, 0253, 0254, 2210, 2530, 2535, 2540, 0228-B, 0228-F, 0228-S, 0228-U, 0229, 0229-B, 0229-C, 0229-S, 0229-U, 5120-5122

NA013 Arnold BR 41

Replaces motor 0251-013

Arnold 0251, 2505, 2510-2514, 82505, 82511-82514

NA014G Arnold BR 05

Replaces motor 2215-005, HS1625

Arnold 2200-2201, 2204-2206, 2211, 2215-2217, 2707, 82200-82201, 82204-82206, 82211, 82215-82217, HN2003

NA015C Arnold BR 95

Replaces motor 2280-015

Arnold 0212, 0362, 2280-2281, 2283, 2296-2298, 2708, 82280-82281, 82283, 82296

NA016C Arnold / Hornby BR 95

Replaces motor HS1542, HN2185/07

Arnold HN2006, HN2185-HN2187, HN2419-HN2421

NA017 Arnold BR 220, BR 221, Am 4/4, BR 194, E94, BR 254, BR 110, BR 140, E40, BR 141, E41, Rh 1020, Rh 1042, Rh 1118, BR 103.1, BR 150, BR 117, E17, BR 118, E18, BB 25000, US GG1

Replaces motor 0231-080, 0231-002/35/0, 2022-020, 2023-020, 2456-006

Arnold 0134, 0147, 0180, 0209, 0209C, 0231, 0233 ,0356, 0417,  0423, 2019-2027, 2029, 2300, 2303, 2310-2334 , 2339-2341, 2343, 2345-2346, 2350-2351, 2353-2358, 2361-2365, 2367-2368, 2429-2430, 2442, 2444-2448, 2451-2456, 2458-2459, 2470-2472, 2484-2487, 2590, A2590, 5101-5111, 5113, 5130-5134, 82025, 82028, 80147, 82303, 82315, 82317, 82320, 82322, 82324-82325, 82328, 82333, 82341, 82345,  82346, 82429-82430, 82351, 82353-82356, 82358, 82361-82364, 82442, 82444, 82447, 82453, 82455, 82459, 82484

NA018C Arnold DB SBB FS Solvay Seco TWE AVG V100 , BR 211, BR 212, Wiebe BR 213, ÖBB Rh 2048

Replaces motor 0201-075

Arnold 0119, 0201, 0210, 0212, 0257, 0301, 0329, 2000-2001, 2003-2014, 2031, 2041, 2130, 2131, 2133-2134, 71021, 72002, 82000, 82003, 82132

NA019G Arnold Re 4/4

Replaces motor 2414-020

Arnold 0138, 0162, 0215,  2395-2419, 2438, 2473-2474, 2497, 82397-82399, 82409, 82415, 82438, 82474, 9011

NA020G Arnold Krokodil, Ae 6/8 II, Be 6/8 II, Ce 6/8 II

Replaces motor 2465-005

Arnold 2462, 2465-2469, 2475, 2478-2479, 82478-82479

NA021G Arnold BR 75, Bad Vic, SNCF 131 TX, CFL BR 35

Replaces motor 0101-26,  HN2080/04

Arnold 2208, 2212-2214, 2229, HN2080-HN2081

NA022 Arnold BR 74, K.P.E.V. T12, ÖBB Reihe 674, SNCF 130 TC, SNCB Reeks 96

Replaces motor 2285-008

Arnold 2255, 2266, 2284-2287, 2294

NA023F Arnold BR 66

Replaces motor 0772

Arnold 0220

NA024G Arnold E 63

Replaces motor 2460-030

Arnold 2460, 2461, 5601

NA025G Arnold E 69, BR 169

Replaces motor 0778

Arnold 0203, 0206, 0240, 0244, 2400, 2402, 2403, 71041

NA026C Arnold DB, DSB BR 89.7, DR 89.6, DB BR 80, Renfe 030, US Western - Lok (UP, W&A, RG, B&O, N&W, WP, SP, SF, Wabash)

Replaces motor 0776

Arnold 0222, 0226, 0226U, 0227, 2221-2224, 2250, 2260U, 2261-2262, 5501, 5512

NA027G Arnold BR 93 (DB, DRG), Reihe 693 ÖBB

Replaces motor 2290-020

Arnold 2290-2292, 2293A, 2295

NA028G Arnold VT 98, Schienenbus (Alt)  VT 98, BR 798, BR 998, BR 701, ÖBB BVT 5081, RENFE 301, Turmtriebwagen (old)
Old motor only!

Replaces motor 0775
* From 1991 2914-020 motor

Arnold 0207, 0285, 0290, 0291, 0293, 0321, 0344, 0351, 2910*, 2913, 2914* 2915*, 2916, 2917, 2926, 4645, 4646 

* Check motor before purchase! This upgrade kit is for the oldest motor only!

NA029G Arnold ET 4, ET 184

Replaces motor 2960-006

Arnold 2960, 2963, 5602

NA030G Arnold VT 89.9, VT 133, Schweineschnäuzchen

Replaces motor 2920-020, HN2042/8

Arnold 2920, 2921, 2922, 2928, 2929, 82920, 82921, 82928, 82929,HN2042, HN2043, HN2113

NA031 Arnold BR 143, 243 (DB, DR, SOB)

Replaces motor 0108-93

Arnold 0224, 0259 CH, 0382, 2301, 2302, 2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308 CH, 2309, 2347, 2348, 2359, 70225, 82301, 82306, 82307, 82309, 82347

NA032G Arnold VT 98, Schienenbus (new), BR 798, BR 998, BR 701, Aln 1205, Turmtriebwagen (new)

Replaces motor 2914-020

Arnold 0209, 0285, 0321, 8 0321, 0344, 8 0344, 0351, 2906, 2909, 2910*, 2914*, 2915*

* Check motor before purchase! This upgrade kit is only for the newest motor!

NA033F Arnold BR 18.4 (Motor in tender), BR 18.5 , BR36, S 3/6 (Motor in tender), KPEV P4, SNCF 231, SNCB reeks 3649

Replaces motor 2542-037, 2545-020, HS1614

Arnold 2536, 8 2536, 2537, 8 2537, 2538, 2539, 8 2539, 2542, 2543, 8 2543, 2544, 8 2544, 2545, 2546, 8 2546, 2547-2553, 2557, 2599, 71001, 71002, HN2007

NA034G Arnold DR BR 89.6, DB SJ BR 89.7, KPEV T3, Bentheimer Eisenbahn T3

Replaces motor 2220-030

Arnold 2218-2220, 2225-2228

NA035G Arnold BR 61, Henschel Wegmann Zug

Replaces motor 2235-020

Arnold 0166, 8 0166, 2236, 8 2236, 2237, 8 2237

NA036F Arnold VT 08, BR 613

Replaces motor 2952-020

Arnold 2952, 8 2952, 2953, 8 2953, 2954, 8 2954, 2955

NA037 Arnold BR 02, BR 18

Replaces motor 0610-93

Arnold 2501, 8 2501, 2502, 2503, 8 2503, 2504, 8 2504, 72502, 82502

NA038 Arnold BR 01, BR 01.5

Replaces motor 2520-020

Arnold 2500, 2520, 8 2520, 2521, 8 2521, 2523, 2525-2527, 8 2527, 2534, 2570, 71003-71004

NA039G Arnold Ee 3/3

Replaces motor 2420-010

Arnold 0104CH, 0109, 0160, 0161, 0202CH, 0215, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2422S, 2423, 2423S, 2424, 2425, 2425S, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2431, HN2013

NA040G Arnold GT 6, Tram, Straßenbahn

Replaces motor 2977-012

Arnold 2975, 2976, 2977, 2978, 8 2978, 2979, 2980, 2981, 2982, 2984, 2985, 2986, 2987, 2988, 2989, 2990, 8 2990, 2991, 8 2991, 2992, 8 2992, 72983, 82983

NA041C Arnold zzz

Replaces motor 2363-020

Arnold 2440, 8 2440

NA042F Arnold E 03, BR 103, BR 127, BR 152, BR 750, RENFE / AVE / ARCO S 252, CP LE 5600
Motor with flywheels and tube shaft coupling

Replaces motor 2435-014

Arnold 2370, 8 2370, 2371, 8 2371, 2372, 8 2372, 2373, 2374, 2390, 2391, 2392, 8 2392, 2393, 8 2393, 2432, 8 2432, 2433, 2434, 2435, 8 2435, 2436, 2488, 2489, 2494, 2495, 8 2495, 2496, 8 2496, 2497, 2497, 8 2497, 8 2497, 2498, 2499, 8 2499

NA043 Arnold BR 55 (DB, DR, SJ) KPEV G8, SNCB Reeks 81, SNCF 040 TC

Replaces motor 2515-003

Arnold 2515-2518, 2532-2533

NA044G Arnold SBB Tm II

Replaces motor 2074-030, HN2014/8

Arnold 0215, 2073-2077, 2079, 2085, 2089, HN2014

NA045F Arnold E 19 new Motor

Replaces motor 2491-014

Arnold 0375, 0376, 2491, 2492, 80375, 80376, 82491, 82492

NA046C Arnold BR 23

Replaces motor 0777

Arnold 0223, 2231

NA047C Arnold BR 80, BR 89.7

Replaces motor 0776, 0779* 
* for the old motor enlarge hole in gear to 1.5 mm

Arnold 0222, 0225

NA048G Arnold T2 (M0.3 worm)

Replaces motor 0224-030

Arnold 2241-2243, 5502-5504

NA049G Arnold T2 (M0.4 worm)

Replaces motor 0224-010

Arnold 0224

NA050C Arnold Rh 5047 ÖBB, Gysev, STLB, NEG T4

Replaces motor HN2169/12, HN2278/07

Arnold HN2169, HN2188-HN2191, HN2207-HN2208, HN2278-HN2280, HN2521-HN2522

Arnold Model not included!