Arnold N Upgrade kits
Instructions ->
NA001 Arnold Thalys-TGV (Ex Lima) Arnold 4321 Lima 163923 and others | ||
NA002 Arnold Kittel DRG/DB CidT, SNCF XDR10 Replaces motor 2923-020 Arnold 2923,2924,2925 | ||
NA003 Arnold NS Motorpost Replaces motor 2335-020 Arnold 0245, 2335, 2336, 2337 | ||
NA004G Arnold NS 1300, SNCF CC 7000, DB E03, BR 220.1, FP 9, Re 4/4 (old model) Replaces motor 0236-008, 0236-009, 0241-008, 0774 Arnold 0202, 0211, 0211C, 0213, 0215, 0217, 0236 - 0238, 0241, 2332, 2338, 2342, 2344, 2350-2353, 5001-5008 | ||
NA005G Arnold E10 E40 (old) Replaces motor 0205-006 Arnold 0232-0234
| ||
NA006G Arnold V65 BR 265 Replaces motor 2015-030 Arnold 2015-2018, 2030, 2042, 5702, 0151 | ||
NA007 Arnold DHG700C Replaces motor 2080-020, HN2079/03 Arnold 0287, 0297, 0341, 0366, 2080-2082, 2103-2107, HN1004-1005, HN2078-2079 | ||
NA008C Arnold V45 , SNCF Y 9200, SNCF Y 51115, SNCF Y 7530, BR D 2895 Replaces motor 2055-004 Arnold 0204, 0229, 2034, 2055-2057, 2059-2061 | ||
NA009C Arnold DB DR DRG BR 78, SNCF 232 TC, KPEV T 18 Replaces motor 2270-003 Arnold 0116, 0122, 2244, 2267-2274 | ||
NA010G Arnold Köf II, DB Köf III, DB BR 323, DB/Zürcher/Bentheimer BR 332, DB BR 335 ÖBB 0150, X130, X150, FS 213, SNCF YDE, SOB Tm 34, GKB 150 Replaces motor 2065-030 Arnold 0119, 0135, 0154, 0157, 0175, 0254, 0265, 0278, 0380, 0400, 0422, 0601-0602, 2033, 2043-2049, 2057, 2062-2072, 2083-2084, 2086, 2088, 2090-2099, 2110-2115, 2117, 2119-2123, HN2002, HN2029, HN2035, HN2115, HN2144 | ||
NA011 Arnold BR 240 DE 1024, DR DRG BR 96, K.Bay.Sts.B. Gt 2 x 4/4, DB BR 150*, DB DRG BR 116 E16, DB DRG ET 88, DB BR 420, US loco S2 Replaces motor 2035-020, 2275-015, 2355-015, 2450-012, 2930-004, 0294-020, 5020-020 Arnold 0294, 2035-2038, 2256-2257, 2264-2265, 2275-2278, 2282, 2289, 2355-2357*, 2437, 2441, 2443, 2449-2450, 2457, 2930, 2935, 2940-2945, 2950, 5019-5031, 5034-5037, 5060-5076 * Spring drive only | ||
NA012G Arnold BR 18, BR 01 Motor in the loco, K.Bay.Sts.B. S 3/6, SNCF 231, US 4-6-2 Replaces motor 0253-020 Arnold 0221, 0253, 0254, 2210, 2530, 2535, 2540, 0228-B, 0228-F, 0228-S, 0228-U, 0229, 0229-B, 0229-C, 0229-S, 0229-U, 5120-5122 | ||
NA013 Arnold BR 41 Replaces motor 0251-013 Arnold 0251, 2505, 2510-2514, 82505, 82511-82514 | ||
NA014G Arnold BR 05 Replaces motor 2215-005, HS1625 Arnold 2200-2201, 2204-2206, 2211, 2215-2217, 2707, 82200-82201, 82204-82206, 82211, 82215-82217, HN2003 | ||
NA015C Arnold BR 95 Replaces motor 2280-015 Arnold 0212, 0362, 2280-2281, 2283, 2296-2298, 2708, 82280-82281, 82283, 82296 | ||
NA016C Arnold / Hornby BR 95 Replaces motor HS1542, HN2185/07 Arnold HN2006, HN2185-HN2187, HN2419-HN2421 | ||
NA017 Arnold BR 220, BR 221, Am 4/4, BR 194, E94, BR 254, BR 110, BR 140, E40, BR 141, E41, Rh 1020, Rh 1042, Rh 1118, BR 103.1, BR 150, BR 117, E17, BR 118, E18, BB 25000, US GG1 Replaces motor 0231-080, 0231-002/35/0, 2022-020, 2023-020, 2456-006 Arnold 0134, 0147, 0180, 0209, 0209C, 0231, 0233 ,0356, 0417, 0423, 2019-2027, 2029, 2300, 2303, 2310-2334 , 2339-2341, 2343, 2345-2346, 2350-2351, 2353-2358, 2361-2365, 2367-2368, 2429-2430, 2442, 2444-2448, 2451-2456, 2458-2459, 2470-2472, 2484-2487, 2590, A2590, 5101-5111, 5113, 5130-5134, 82025, 82028, 80147, 82303, 82315, 82317, 82320, 82322, 82324-82325, 82328, 82333, 82341, 82345, 82346, 82429-82430, 82351, 82353-82356, 82358, 82361-82364, 82442, 82444, 82447, 82453, 82455, 82459, 82484 | ||
NA018C Arnold DB SBB FS Solvay Seco TWE AVG V100 , BR 211, BR 212, Wiebe BR 213, ÖBB Rh 2048 Replaces motor 0201-075 Arnold 0119, 0201, 0210, 0212, 0257, 0301, 0329, 2000-2001, 2003-2014, 2031, 2041, 2130, 2131, 2133-2134, 71021, 72002, 82000, 82003, 82132 | ||
NA019G Arnold Re 4/4 Replaces motor 2414-020 Arnold 0138, 0162, 0215, 2395-2419, 2438, 2473-2474, 2497, 82397-82399, 82409, 82415, 82438, 82474, 9011 | ||
NA020G Arnold Krokodil, Ae 6/8 II, Be 6/8 II, Ce 6/8 II Replaces motor 2465-005 Arnold 2462, 2465-2469, 2475, 2478-2479, 82478-82479 | ||
NA021G Arnold BR 75, Bad Vic, SNCF 131 TX, CFL BR 35 Replaces motor 0101-26, HN2080/04 | ||
NA022 Arnold BR 74, K.P.E.V. T12, ÖBB Reihe 674, SNCF 130 TC, SNCB Reeks 96 Replaces motor 2285-008 | ||
NA023F Arnold BR 66 Replaces motor 0772 | ||
NA024G Arnold E 63 Replaces motor 2460-030 Arnold 2460, 2461, 5601 | ||
NA025G Arnold E 69, BR 169 Replaces motor 0778 Arnold 0203, 0206, 0240, 0244, 2400, 2402, 2403, 71041 | ||
NA026C Arnold DB, DSB BR 89.7, DR 89.6, DB BR 80, Renfe 030, US Western - Lok (UP, W&A, RG, B&O, N&W, WP, SP, SF, Wabash) Replaces motor 0776 Arnold 0222, 0226, 0226U, 0227, 2221-2224, 2250, 2260U, 2261-2262, 5501, 5512 | ||
NA027G Arnold BR 93 (DB, DRG), Reihe 693 ÖBB Replaces motor 2290-020 Arnold 2290-2292, 2293A, 2295 | ||
NA028G Arnold VT 98, Schienenbus (Alt) VT 98, BR 798, BR 998, BR 701, ÖBB BVT 5081, RENFE 301, Turmtriebwagen (old) Replaces motor 0775
| ||
NA029G Arnold ET 4, ET 184 Replaces motor 2960-006 Arnold 2960, 2963, 5602 | ||
NA030G Arnold VT 89.9, VT 133, Schweineschnäuzchen Replaces motor 2920-020, HN2042/8 Arnold 2920, 2921, 2922, 2928, 2929, 82920, 82921, 82928, 82929,HN2042, HN2043, HN2113 | ||
NA031 Arnold BR 143, 243 (DB, DR, SOB) Replaces motor 0108-93 Arnold 0224, 0259 CH, 0382, 2301, 2302, 2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308 CH, 2309, 2347, 2348, 2359, 70225, 82301, 82306, 82307, 82309, 82347 | ||
NA032G Arnold VT 98, Schienenbus (new), BR 798, BR 998, BR 701, Aln 1205, Turmtriebwagen (new) * Check motor before purchase! This upgrade kit is only for the newest motor! | ||
NA033F Arnold BR 18.4 (Motor in tender), BR 18.5 , BR36, S 3/6 (Motor in tender), KPEV P4, SNCF 231, SNCB reeks 3649 | ||
NA034G Arnold DR BR 89.6, DB SJ BR 89.7, KPEV T3, Bentheimer Eisenbahn T3 Arnold 2218-2220, 2225-2228 | ||
NA035G Arnold BR 61, Henschel Wegmann Zug | ||
NA036F Arnold VT 08, BR 613 | ||
NA037 Arnold BR 02, BR 18 | ||
NA038 Arnold BR 01, BR 01.5 | ||
NA039G Arnold Ee 3/3 Replaces motor 2420-010 Arnold 0104CH, 0109, 0160, 0161, 0202CH, 0215, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2422S, 2423, 2423S, 2424, 2425, 2425S, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2431, HN2013 | ||
NA040G Arnold GT 6, Tram, Straßenbahn Replaces motor 2977-012 Arnold 2975, 2976, 2977, 2978, 8 2978, 2979, 2980, 2981, 2982, 2984, 2985, 2986, 2987, 2988, 2989, 2990, 8 2990, 2991, 8 2991, 2992, 8 2992, 72983, 82983 | ||
NA041C Arnold zzz Replaces motor 2363-020 Arnold 2440, 8 2440 | ||
NA042F Arnold E 03, BR 103, BR 127, BR 152, BR 750, RENFE / AVE / ARCO S 252, CP LE 5600 Replaces motor 2435-014 Arnold 2370, 8 2370, 2371, 8 2371, 2372, 8 2372, 2373, 2374, 2390, 2391, 2392, 8 2392, 2393, 8 2393, 2432, 8 2432, 2433, 2434, 2435, 8 2435, 2436, 2488, 2489, 2494, 2495, 8 2495, 2496, 8 2496, 2497, 2497, 8 2497, 8 2497, 2498, 2499, 8 2499 | ||
NA043 Arnold BR 55 (DB, DR, SJ) KPEV G8, SNCB Reeks 81, SNCF 040 TC | ||
NA044G Arnold SBB Tm II | ||
NA045F Arnold E 19 new Motor | ||
NA046C Arnold BR 23 | ||
NA047C Arnold BR 80, BR 89.7 | ||
NA048G Arnold T2 (M0.3 worm) | ||
NA049G Arnold T2 (M0.4 worm) | ||
NA050C Arnold Rh 5047 ÖBB, Gysev, STLB, NEG T4 Replaces motor HN2169/12, HN2278/07 Arnold HN2169, HN2188-HN2191, HN2207-HN2208, HN2278-HN2280, HN2521-HN2522 |
Arnold Model not included!